You may already know that I ran my first ultra marathon yesterday. Later that evening I felt like I have been hit by a truck, AND like both of my ankles are broken. And like someone just kicked me in both kneecaps. Otherwise, I’m all good.
So often we put all of our focus and planning into the race itself, without thinking ahead to recovery as well. A nilly-willy approach to recovery (e.g. not aiming to get more sleep, not dialling in the nutrition, taking complete rest) can significantly prolong your recovery time.
Did I mention that I have a Tough Mudder in less than a week?
Time for an accelerated recovery plan. For the next 7 days, I plan to:
1. Get off my ass. And go to Crossfit. Hahahaha! NO!. Walking and hiking, preferably outdoors, will work best. No stupid shit.
2. Stuff my face. Mostly with protein. Eggs, tuna, chicken. Bring it on. Add protein powder. Blend. Serve. Hell, I’ll take an IV. Hook me up.
3. Namaste, yo. Bring on the yoga. Simply moving through a gentle flow, especially in a hot room, will do wonders. The key is to avoid vigorous classes – you want recovery, not a BootCamp.
4. Guzzle down. Hydrate. Hydrate. Pee. Repeat.
5. Hit the sack. Even earlier than usual. This is the super ninja weapon of recovery. Make it happen. Zzzzzzzzz…
Will you join me? (Hi, Jen!)
Your newly minted ultra runner, Solo