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Healthy Options At The Airport (Coz There Are Some!)

It was exciting to be off on a journey she had looked forward to for months. Oddly, the billowing diesel fumes of the airport did not smell like suffocating effluence, it assumed a peculiar pungent scent that morning, like the beginning of a new adventure, if an adventure could exude a fragrance. – E.A. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly


To me, airport smells like Starbucks. That, and also Chanel perfume from one of those countless duty free shops. Perhaps, because I almost always get a coffee at Starbucks and spray myself with Chanel perfume once I finally clear security and customs, find my gate, and perform a mandatory walk around (like dogs do before lying down).

It’s that special dimension of time, when there is still at least 45 minutes before boarding, and you have nothing to do. Nothing, but stroll up and down the long hallways, leaf through overpriced magazines and paperbacks, and shop for snacks.

Airport snacks! The best place on earth to get a $3 single serving bag of chips, and a $8 sad-looking tuna wrap. Price aside, it seems that all the flyers are destined to sustain themselves on a diet of protein bars and cookies.

Fear not! I went hunting for healthy snacks on my last stint through couple of airports (Toronto, Ontario and Houston, Texas), and I did find some awesome options.

Now reporting back to you!

What have we here? Mmmm… orange-y salty crunchy things.


How about this?

Whattt? I’m recommending beef jerky? I know, I know. It’s not exactly health food. However, given (very) limited options, it can be a good protein-dense option. If you decide to go for it, stick to plain flavour (equals less crap) and keep in mind really high salt content – extra water before that plane ride!

Here’s a pretty typical fare – cookies, Danishes, croissants – all only somewhat fresh, and mostly mediocre.

Here’s what I found instead:

What did you say? Walnuts taste nothing like cookies? Of course, they do not. My goal was never to find something that tastes LIKE cookies, but rather demonstrate that it is possible to find healthier options.

But wait! There is more…

Crunchy? Check. Sweet? Check. Oh, and check out those baggies at the top – whole roasted chestnuts. Have you ever had those? They are ah-mazing. And if you check the label… drum roll… ONE ingredient. [The ingredient is chestnuts, if you were wondering.]

A little less crunchy, but also sweet!

That’s grapes, by the way. And hummus with crackers to the left. Awesome.

Salad can be a pretty solid option. You can play with what you have available.

This salad below may be a better option – simpler ingredients, looks fresher – however, the protein content is lower.

I also love Greek yogurt as a snack. Hell, if you are travelling with someone, get two, get one of those cookies, split it, crumble into yogurt, throw some nuts on top, and voila! Goes with coffee nicely. [Just kidding. Everything goes nicely with coffee.]

YOUR TURN: Have you found some healthy snacks at the airport? Are you travelling any time soon? Be on the lookout and send me a photo!

Happy munching and bon voyage!

Hugs, SOLO

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