The Ultra Beast is 5 sleeps away… My last “long run”, also known as running two races in one day, was about 32km, and took place last weekend.
SUNDAY light trail run, 5-7km – testing out the shoes. I purposefully soaked them in an ankle deep puddle, so I can test them running wet. They did great!
MONDAY weights + intervals. business as usual.
TUESDAY weights + intervals. business as usual.
WEDNESDAY OFF. maybe short run to test out the racing outfit. It’s supposed to be about 7C in the morning, which is about the temperature predicted for the start of the Ultra Beast. I’d like to know exactly how freezing it will be in a sportsbra.
THURSDAY Definitely OFF. We are taking off from Canuck land in the direction of Yankee land.
FRIDAY 15-20min run with some pick-ups. Just feel those legs.
SATURDAY Slay the Beast!!!
Hugs, SOLO