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Operation Mommy - Who Needs Toys?

Here are TWO toys that we packed to take with us to Costa Rica:

– A teething ring

– A crinkly book (this was misplaced three weeks into the trip – I’d love to blame the kid, but, of course, she is too young to both place AND misplace things, so I guess, it’s on us).

Here are OTHER things that have been since successfully used as baby toys:

Own hands – always there, always taste different Own feet – only recently accessible, now twice as many things to suck on! Mommy’s finger – perfect size to grab and hold on to, also great to suck on Mommy’s foot – within reason Mommy’s boob – within mom’s pain tolerance A swaddle cloth – grab a handful, stick it in your mouth, suck on the corner A silicone baby spoon – doesn’t really matter if there is food on it or not A tube of hand cream – big, awkward shape, mysterious contents A clean diaper – soft, light, easy to pick up. (In retrospect, I should have really grabbed an extra one, instead of letting her play with the one I was planning to put ON her, because the bed was absolutely peed on.) A mango pit – mmmmm, mango, need I say more? A pack of baby wipes – large, heavy, crinkles! A pack of Kleenex A sun hat – perfect long straps to chew on A razor blade – just checking if you are paying attention, and providing a baseline of “not safe”. ????

Hugs, SOLO

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