I received few comments regarding the posted workouts during peak week. “Oh my god”, someone said. “There is no way I could spend over 2 hours in the gym”.
Umm… yeah. Me neither. The peak week workouts were just that – PEAK week. Three brutal high-rep multi-set workouts back to back designed to deplete your muscles of glycogen completely.
Here’s a bird’s eye view of what my typical week looks like. Couple of things to notice: – I took two days off. Normally, I would train 5-6 days a week. – No hard weights workouts back to back. – None of these workouts took me longer than 60 minutes.
SUNDAY – active recovery 7-8km run
MONDAY – weights warm-up: 10 min, running on treadmill, 3% incline, 1.08 miles 3 sets of: 10 pull-up burpees + 10 push-ups
PN weights workout: deadlift –> 3 x 10 (135lb / 155lb / 165lb) dumbbell bench press –> 3 x 10 (35lb) side plank –> 3 x 45 sec each side, 1 set with curls
single-leg RDL –> 3 x 10 each leg (25lb) inverted row –> 3 x 15 3-position rear-elevated split squat –> 3 x 15 each leg (15lb)
TUESDAY – intervals warm-up: 5 min, run on treadmill 5 sets of: 5 pull-up burpees + 15 jump squats –> I remember why I hate jump squats
5 rounds of: 10 box jumps (highest box = mid-thigh) 10 elevated push-ups off the box
intervals: 20sec (work) / 40sec (recovery) –> 5 rounds 20 sec = burpees 40 sec = hold low plank
THURSDAY – weights warm-up: 10 min, walk on treadmill
PN weights workout: walking lunges –> 3 x 10 (2/25lb / 2x25lb / 2x30lb) unassisted chin-up –> 3 x 10 1/2 kneeling dumbbell chop –> 3 x 10 each side (20lb / 20lb / 25lb)
squat (machine) –> 2 x 15 (90lb) single-arm high incline dumbbell press –> 2 x 15 each side (25lb) 1/2 plank dumbbell row –> 2 x 15 each side (25lb)
SATURDAY – active recovery + intervals morning –> active recovery Santa 5K Run 2012 (Burlington) –> 25min
evening –> intervals warm-up: 5min elliptical
10 rounds of: 10 push-ups + 10 sit-ups + 10 squats (ugh, this was way too easy… change push-ups to elevated, and squats to weighted squats or jump squats)
intervals: 20sec (work) / 40sec (recovery) –> 6 rounds stationary bike –> total time 10min
SUNDAY – weights warm-up: 5 min, running on treadmill, 3% incline PN weights workout:
modified deadlift (machine) –> 3 x 10 (135lb / 155lb / 175lb) dumbbell bench press –> 3 x 10 (35lb / 35lb / 40lb – OMG!) side plank –> 3 x 45 sec each side with curls –> this nearly killed me…
single-leg RDL –> 2 x 10 each leg (25lb / 25lb / 30lb) inverted row –> 2 x 15 3-position rear-elevated split squat –> 2 x 15 each leg (15lb)
P.S. For anyone paying attention… yes, less than 200 days until the Spartan Death Race 2013.