I'm talking to a friend about visiting his CrossFit box and keeping him company for a workout. "Ok, but promise you won't make fun of my kips and my double-unders!", I ask.
"Ha. So you have a DUI, eh", he grins.
"A what???"
"DUI = double-unders impairment", he explains patiently.
Indeed. It's been months, and my double-unders got worse, not better. :) I am really good at whipping myself with a rope though. So if you are struggling with the same issue, and cannot do double-unders, here's a possible reason why:
your rope is too short
your rope is too long
your rope is too cheap
your rope is worn out and catches on the floor
your shoes have too much traction, so the rope catches on them
your shoelaces are too long
your pants are too baggy
you are not moving your wrists fast enough
you are not jumping high enough
your rhythm is off J.P. Morgan once said that a man always has two reasons for doing anything: a good reason and the real reason. It is perhaps telling that J.P. Morgan was a banker (cue loud laughter). Morgan, as in Morgan Stanley - a global financial services firm. But the sentiment stands.