Hey, Friend.
Ever tried the best of something, and realized that you have now forever spoiled that thing for yourself? Because after trying the best, how can you have anything but the best, amirite? I have spoiled pomegranates for myself forever a few years ago, after trying them at the Israeli market. They were ruby red, split open and bursting with juice. Even looking at them felt naughty. I couldn’t quite bring myself to buy the sad pink pomegranates at the Canadian supermarkets ever again. Mangoes. God. Being in India during mango season. Let me tell you. Similar experience, different colour. And I truly thought I knew what mangoes were before that trip. I did not. Mangoes in India were the size of baby’s head, and so beautifully mango in colour, it seemed like a shame to refer to them as “orange”. Pizza in Napoli. To eat pizza at the oldest pizzeria in the world was on my bucket list for years, and then we finally made it, and had THE pizza. The bottom had signature black spots, the crust was thin, the toppings were sparse, AND the middle was soupy. Did you know the middle was supposed to be soupy? Custard tarts in Lisbon. I made the trek across the city to Pasteis de Belem - THE bakery for custards, after trying the tarts at three or four different places downtown. And you know what? They were good. They were ALL good. And incomparable to ANY tart I have tried before. Like… you can be a pomegranate, OR a mango, or a slice of pizza. Be a custard tart. I don’t care. But BE one of THOSE… BE THE BEST IN YOUR CLASS. A tart? Be like one of those tarts. A coach? Be the freaking “pomegranate in season” of coaching. Don’t be all pink and sad. For the love of mangoes, do NOT be the Costco cupcake. Do not be cheap and bland, and creamy, but like… in a fake way. Please. Why bother? That’s me. I am the pomegranate of coaching. Mango in season. Soupy pizza, AND one of those tarts. I’m not THE best pomegranate in the world or anything. But… what the hell IS that anyway? Surely, there is no ONE best pomegranate. Just as long as it’s… in season, and ripe, and bursting with flavour. It’s the level of pomegranates. The LEVEL. It’s gotta be up there. ;) Oh, and now you might be thinking… “jeez. She’s really full of herself”. It’s possible. I might be full of myself. Is pomegranate in season full of itself too? You better fucking believe it. Full of juice. Full of colour. Full of itself. May we be all full of ourselves. Want me to help you be full of yourself and be a pomegranate? Hit Reply, and tell me “that’s me!”. I still have 2 (down from 3) spots in my 1:1 coaching practice in the month of March to health and fitness professionals specifically. If you are in analysis paralysis regarding the next move in your business OR if your own health goals are falling by the wayside, because you are so busy helping OTHER people reach their goals, this is for you. Let’s JUICE IT UP. I’m gonna lie down now.