LocationBrimacombe 4098 Regional Road 9 Orono, ON L0B 1M0
You can go ahead and enter the above into your GPS. Note that this may also come up as Oshawa Ski Club. As long as the address is the same, you are fine.
The universal law of any race dictates that no matter how well marked the race, someone may get lost. .
That being said, the race location is very easy to find, only two turns from the (401) highway. There are multiple gates that allow you to enter the ski resort, so follow the signs.
If you are coming from Toronto(ish), you are looking at 60-75 minute drive - give yourself two hours before your start time, and you should be fine.
Spartan Race Canada is working with Trumin this year. Once you register for the race, you should receive an email with the link, which you can follow to "check in", sign your waiver form and get your event pass.
While I loved the convenience of being able to fill out the form online, the process was not the most intuitive - it took quite a bit of clicking around. Once you complete the process, the event passes are sent directly to your email address - you can either print them out, or they can be scanned at the race off your phone, using QR code.
Race Course
As Spartan Sprints go, this venue allows for a fairly fast race. The terrain is grassy. There are some groomed trails. Some gravel. In other words... tame.

The hills are as steep as you can expect them to be at a ski resort in Ontario. So not very. The sharpest inclines can be seen on narrower hills marked as Black Diamond - if the course goes through those, it would be later in the race, as the racers are further spread out.