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"Wow, there are some things on your list that I have already done, or can do easily! I would have never imagined that they are bucket list worthy!".
After all, a flip turn is not that big of a deal to a swimmer or a triathlete - in a pool it happens every 25m. And then there is me - trying not to drown. .
Another response I got was that of surprise. "What? You want to bench press your body weight? I would have thought you can bench press way more than that already!".
Well, as I said to someone a while ago: "YOUR perception of MY fitness has very little to do with my actual fitness". :)
For someone who can deadlift close to (but not yet) 300lb, a 100-lb snatch seems like a pretty pathetic goal. so=">so" obsessed="obsessed" with="with" it!="it</a>!">. I have had way more weight than that over my head in a clean and jerk - somewhat unsettling, but not as terrifying as combining the weight overhead with a deep squat.
Remember when I couldn't do double-unders, and spent six months practicing them at the beginning of each workout? Well, a friend of mine who was in a similar situation, simply took a jump rope and spent two days training the hell out of double-unders. He ended up pretty lacerated by the end, I think, but... he did learn how to do the damn things in two days.
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